Instead of letting them rot in the digital abyss of my hard disk drive, I have decided to compile 3 tracks completed earlier this year and repackaged them in a mini EP as The Mim Project. At least now they will have a chance to decay on the shelves of e-commerce and during that process try to etch out some cents which I hope to accumulate into dollars for myself.
So with all that effort and thought put in please support and purchase The Mim Project, especially if you really dig the tracks. In other words and a more fashionable manner, cop it!
You can name your price with a minimum of US$1 for all 3 tracks. Anything below that will mean most of the cents will go to PayPal. And let's not get into a lengthy discussion on economics.
Just click on the Download button on the player for purchase or you can cop ithere.
Still undecided whether the plosives of Pembukaan, Purnama & Preamble are by coincidence or design, what I am definitely certain of these 3 tracks is that they are all built on samples from old Malay sounds. Hence Mim, the character you see on the artwork which is the Arabic/Jawi equivalent of the letter M. Stop the applause and the other half of you, wipe that smirk off your face. And after skipping the economics debate I would want to give semiotics a miss too.
So back on track and to the tracks, The Mim Project is a pastiche made up of patches from Orkes El-Suraya(a 70's nasyid group from Medan, Indonesia), sounds of keroncong, a stolen interview of the late Javanese literary great, Pramoedya Ananta Toer; all interwoven with the sensibilities of what Max Lane is or to become. Here's to my long-lost cultural heroes.
And so we heard, it's December. Before we make any preemptive sum up and cross over to the second decade of this millenium, I just like to unleash some new cookings. And yet again one of us has decided to don another new mask. Dear World, meet Rora Realis. The Rong Radio Station Remix is Rora Realis' too. If you can say that fast enough multiple times you might just figure out who he is. And the other track, is just another track. Well, it's time for me to keep to the subject title. Enjoy.
About A misadventure of (un)popular sounds to create & blend aural assaults for your listening pleasure. Not much thinking just a lot of tinkering, so excuse us. We Create. You Tolerate.