Wednesday, April 21, 2010

We have lift off...or maybe not

Eyjafjallajokull glacier (*note, this is not any random keyboard freestyle, that's how it is spelled) continues to spew, smoking up Europe and its other unfortunate beneficiaries leaving them high and dry.
While just 8 km away from where i live is an industrial amusement park made bullishly by and for oil and GDP nuts. This AI(Artificial Island) has been flaring(illegally), turning the skies into an apocalyptic orange hue.

A cessation on references to weather reports and current affairs, duly directs our attention to the fact that our good friend and ally Air Traffic Control Tower is operating safely albeit nature and climate running amok.

atc - Talk Show Host by atc00

Also check the motley crew of aerospace controllers ássembled over at We Are Airfields. atct will be performing at SEED next month. Check his site for more details.

We Out.

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